Time is Precious

Unfortunately Kate is already heading back to school. This month with her home flew by and it was lovely having our whole crew back together.

Time together is precious.

Whether we get a month, a week, a day or an hour together, may we give thanks for the gift of time beside one another. Not everyone gets it, and I’m seeing that over time, as our kids follow their paths in life, our time together will vary. My hope and prayer is to never take time together for granted and to give thanks for, and absorb, the time we do get with one another.

With gratitude and hope,

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom - Psalm 90:12

Begin Within

One of my kids was sick recently and I brought him to the doctor. While we were there I saw this picture on the wall and it really resonated with me.

As we begin this new year, often we seek to make changes and set goals for ourselves. Yet often when we seek to make these changes, we are looking at them from the outside in rather than from the inside out. The character qualities written as the titles of the books are ones - when we put them into practice - can help us accomplish the changes we seek.

But when I think about it, then the changes we seek have less to do with what we are doing and are more about the posture of our heart and our mindset within.

Whatever we are seeking to accomplish, it would first benefit us to…

- be determined (James 1:12)
- be disciplined (Timothy 1:7)
- have hope (Hebrews 6:19)
- persevere (Romans 5:1-5)
- remain focused (Psalm 119:37)

So that we then take consistent action. (Matthew 7:24)

These inner qualities, along with others, are usually what need refining, not our actual goals. And each one of these qualities, are ones in God's Word He speaks to. And in Matthew 7:24, we are told to not only know God's Word, but to put it into practice.

God is not concerned about out goals so much as He is concerned about our character and if we are living aligned with Him or not. Yet making goals are a tool that can help us live out His Word, and refine ourselves within.

So as we start this new week, and think of what you want to do, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

What is one of the words above that is a character quality you need to refine and put into practice more? For me it’s to be disciplined and remain focused.

Whatever our answers, may we prayerfully take God's Word and put it into practice to help us grow more aligned God, and grow into who He made us to be, from the inside out.

With love and hope,

Happy New Year!

🎉Happy New Year!🎉

I thought I’d share a few lessons learned this past year in case any of them encourage you as we enter the New Year…

1. Let someone else say no, let’s not close the door on ourselves.

2. Sometimes we have to do the things we don’t want to do to get the results we seek to have.

3. Small deposits over time add up.

4. It’s amazing what we can do when the purpose is beyond ourselves.

5. Silence and solitude are great teachers.

6. Letting go is hard but essential.

7. Don’t compare ourselves to others, or expect others to be us.

8. We need to stop resisting what is good for us.

9. Growth is on the other side of what is comfortable.

10. When we’re tired we need to learn to rest, not push harder or quit.

11. Ruminating on negative thoughts is destructive, prayer is productive.

12. What God calls us to, He will help us through.

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed, healthy and joyful New Year🎉🙏🥳

With love and hope,

The True Meaning of Christmas

In the midst of the shopping, wrapping, cooking, cleaning, driving, gatherings, and more, may we take time to…

pause. breathe. pray.

And turn our eyes, ears, hearts and minds to the true meaning of Christmas. For when we do, we will see that life wasn’t easy for Mary and Joseph. Their days were challenging as well, in a different way. Yet despite their challenges, they chose to trust God’s Word, ways and will over their own. And at the end of day, they had Jesus, love in human form, before them.

In the midst of our busy days - and minds- may we make space to remember that Jesus was born to show you and me what love in action looks like and sounds like. Also, he came to remind us that our true worth is as children of God - not in what we have, not in our titles, not in our bank accounts, not in our accomplishments, not in our doings. Yet by simply being we are His children, who are seen, heard, loved, and welcomed as we are, flaws and all. And the question Christmas asks us is will we see, hear, love and welcome Jesus into our lives too?

The choice is ours.

How loving is that?

May we find rest in this truth and may it help fuel us the rest of our days.

With love and hope,

The Most Valuable Gift

Last night I had a fun night out with Gavin! With this being his senior year, he’s on the go a lot, understandably. Yet last night he took time to have dinner and go to the UConn game with me. It was a sweet reminder that the best gift in life we can give one another is our undivided presence and time.

I share this today, in this season of giving, as a reminder to…

pause. breathe. pray.

As we shop for our loved ones, may we remember the best gifts we can give one another may not be something physical or cost a dime. Instead may we consider giving one another our time and undivided attention. Yes, it will cost us something - our time - yet when we choose to give someone these, we are giving the most memorable - and valuable - gift of all, as Gavin gifted me last night.

With love and hope,

Rest for Our Souls

Last Thursday morning I was heavy hearted on my way to teach a children’s Bible study class. I was trying to focus on going through the verse of the week I was teaching the kids that morning rather than on why my heart was heavy. As I drove along I was reviewing the verse and then it hit me...

This verse isn’t just something I need to teach the kids. This is a verse I need to put into practice right now.

The verse is Matthew 11:28-29 which reads,

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

I was needing rest. Not as in more sleep kind of rest, I was needing rest in my soul that morning. And I wasn’t going to find rest ruminating on unproductive thoughts, by numbing out by scrolling on social media, or other ways - God knows I’ve tried.

I have learned that my soul finds rest with God.

So as I drove along, I no longer was focused on how to teach the verse that morning. Instead I was repeating the verse to myself as a reminder that I needed to go to God. I needed to take my weary and burdened heart to him. I needed to not try and process my thoughts alone but yoke with Jesus who wants to come beside me, and you, to lighten the heavy and teach us. And by doing this, I trusted in time, I would receive rest in my soul.

I share this today in case you too find yourself at times weary and burdened, seeking rest for your soul. If so, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

May we read this scripture aloud slowly and absorb the wisdom in it.

May we lean into this verse when we feel weary and burdened. Let’s put God’s Word into practice by bringing our honest hearts to God first, instead of where we usually turn. May we pray to yoke with Him, so that He will help carry the burden and lighten the heavy. Jesus will meet us with a gentle and humble heart and with wisdom. May we be willing to put our thoughts, ways and will aside and learn from Him. For when we do, in time, we will find the rest for our souls.

With love and hope,


What do we need pruned?

This morning Stephen and I went on a wintry walk with Georgia. Along the trail there were a number of branches that had fallen because of the snow. It made me think about how weather is helpful to prune the weak branches off the trees. It also made me think about what it is in my life that I need pruned. What extra weight/branches am I holding onto that no longer serve me.

I share this with you today, especially in this season where we can take on more responsibilities and committments, and carry stress within that doesn’t serve us. I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we ask God what it is that we need “pruned” out of our minds, hearts and schedules. Maybe we already know some things we are holding on to that we need to let go of. May we let go of what is no longer serving us so that we are pruned of what is insignificant in God’s eyes. And by doing this, may it help us grow fuller into who God made us to be.

With love and hope,

The Gift of Empty Spaces

Yesterday I went to renew my license. As I sat waiting to be called, there was a woman who struck up a conversation with me. A little while later, an older gentleman, who I learned will soon be 90, sat near us and joined in the conversation. The three of us spoke for a while until the woman was called. And then the man and I kept talking until I was called. It was a lovely unexpected bright spot in my day to talk with these strangers.

As I drove away, I was thinking about the conversations and realized that when the three of us were sitting there waiting, none of us had our phones out. And because of that, we saw each other. Not every moment sitting without out phones will end up in a conversation. Yet this interaction made me wonder what conversations and stories we may be missing when we engage with our phones rather than the people who are beside us?

I share this with you today as a reminder to...

pause. breathe. pray.

Let’s choose this Christmas season to give ourselves the gift of not filling empty spaces with the noise of our phones. Instead, in those empty space moments let’s choose to be still with God who will nourish our souls with His presence, or with the gift of the presence of others. And may we remember, we are called to be vessels of love. So this Christmas season, may we see our empty space moments as opportunities to draw closer to God, and to seek ways to extend His love and kindness to others. By doing this, we may find ourselves having a more joyful and less stressful Christmas season.

With love and hope,

Different Paths Can Lead to The Same Outcome

Stephen, Matt and I went on a walk with Georgia today. What I have always loved about Matt on our family walks and hikes is he doesn’t hesitate to try a new path. Just because one path is marked, he always sees there can be a different route to get to the same destination.

I share this with you today because sometimes we see others doing things differently and think their way is wrong. Yet that’s not always the case. Something that shows this truth is something I learned this summer, the principle of 4.

0 + 4 =4

1 + 3 =4

2 + 2 =4

Here are three different equations that each get us to the same answer. And this is also true in so many areas of life. We may do things differently than others, yet it doesn’t necessarily make our way right and others wrong, or vice versa. There are different paths to the same outcome, like Matt reminded me in the walk today.

The next time we find ourself judging someone for doing something the “wrong way,” or feel judged by others for doing things differently, let’s choose to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we ask ourselves, is what they or what I am doing wrong, or is it just a different path to the same outcome? By doing this, may we gain a greater appreciation for one another and our differences, like I was able to do today when I stepped back and watched Matt take the path less traveled.

With love and hope,

28 year dating anniversary!

28 years ago I started dating this quiet, thoughtful guy💝 I am forever grateful for who Stephen is and how he loves me and our kids so well. Life isn’t always perfect, and neither are we, yet this life together is rich in love, which is all I can ask for💝

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

“until further notice, celebrate everything!” - Gabe Grunewald