Small deposits over time add up

“Small deposits of time over time add up.”

This is a principle I’ve talked with Kate, Gavin and Matty about for years. It’s true about relationships, education, fitness, money, careers, faith and more. When I signed up for the marathon I realized that I was either going to live out this principle, or not. I was determined to practice what I teach my kids so that they may be more likely to put this principle into practice in their own lives.

When I started training on March 11, I walked for 2 minutes and jogged for 1 minute 10 times. Each week, my training built on the previous week’s deposits of time. To my amazement, over almost eight months of training, even with disruptions of scans, a biopsy, covid, and bronchitis, the small deposits of time each week added up to a marathon!

I share this with you today because this principle will benefit you in areas of your life that you’d like to grow stronger in as well. I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we ask God what area(s)of our lives we need to put small deposits of our time into consistently. Whether it’s to benefit ourselves, others or both, may we choose to set the long term goal(s)- such as to have a strong marriage, solid relationships with our kids, a certain career, to run a 5k or marathon, to donate a certain amount of money, to grow in relationship with God, etc.

Knowing our goal(s), consider getting a calendar so that you too have a visual reminder of it. Then let’s set the short term goals (aka our small deposits) and write them in. Let’s set time aside in our calendars as appointments to ourselves that we can’t cancel. There will be disruptions and distractions. Yet stick with the plan and trust the process. Over time, I pray you will see the truth of this principle in practice is your life as well.

With love and hope,

Thank you, Veterans!

Picture one: who you see.
Picture two: part of his story.

Stephen and I were dating for about seven months when he took me out to lunch one day and told me he enlisted in the Navy. I was surprised yet it wasn’t a deal breaker.

He served for six years in the Navy, two years of schooling and four years on a submarine. He went on two six month deployments and many other cruises from a few days away to weeks at a time. We waited until he got out of the service to get married, and well, the rest is history.

I am forever grateful for Stephen’s service to our country and what that time did for us individually, and as a couple. That time also helped me gain such an appreciation for every person who chooses to serve to protect our country; our sea, our land and our air.

Everyday there are people like Stephen who we pass by during our day who we’d never know served our country. And there are others who wear their hats who we get to thank.

May we take time today to…

pause. breathe. pray.

Let’s give thanks for our veterans, and for those serving. Our freedom is a gift. May we never take it, or those who protect it, for granted.❤️🙏💙

With gratitude and appreciation,

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. - Galatians 5:13

Speak Life

As I reflect on last Sunday, I have such gratitude for @bravelikegabe and this incredible opportunity. It was such a gift to be on this wonderful team and to help my ACC family. The experience also helped me personally in so many ways. There are many lessons this experience taught me, including to speak life to yourself.

One day on a run I said something to myself that I had never said before. It happened on a run about half way through my training.

I was running along the trail and heard myself saying “good job, Shawn, I am proud of you.”

This moment caused me to pause.

I am a very outwardly encouraging person yet my inner dialogue towards myself hasn’t always matched what I would say to others.
Yet through my training I found my words being kinder and more encouraging towards myself which surprised me.

I share this with you today in case any of you aren’t as kind and encouraging to yourself as you are to others. I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

I’m not saying you need to train for a marathon. I am saying that we need to be mindful of the words we speak to ourselves. Words have power. They can build up or tear down. God wants us to speak life to others, AND ourselves. Not in a prideful way but with a humble, grateful heart, acknowledging who He made us to be and the gifts and abilities He’s given us.

This week, let’s practice speaking words of life towards ourselves as we would to others. And by doing this may we experience greater contentment within, as I did that day on the trail, and through this wonderful couch to marathon journey.

With love and hope,

Follow Where God Leads

What I thought I’d put on my car if I ever had one of these stickers and what I now get to put on my car. I share this as it’s not about the number of miles run but about the refinement of character within that happens in order to do the run.

Having never been a runner, I have grown much respect for runners, not for the physical ability but the mental fortitude it takes to do it.

I share this with you in case you find God leading you to a path that seems completely different from one you’d take and the goal seems insurmountable. I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we follow where God leads trusting He will provide what we need. And in the process may we give thanks for the refinement within that takes place and helps us live stronger, from the inside out.

With love and hope,

This is 46!

🥳This is 46🥳
And my birthday wish is this,
that we choose to…
…seek what is good.
…listen to one another.
…use our voices to build others up not tear down.
…be a helper.
…be a bridge to peace.
…be an anchor of hope.
…be a light in dark spaces.
…have more faith than fear.
…live out love above all else.


With love and hope,

Peace is a Gift from God

One thing I have learned in life, especially through trying circumstances and facing unknowns, is that peace is never something I will access outside myself. Peace is a gift we receive within from God.

If I allow my outer circumstances to dictate my inner world, I get messy, as I shared with you in my last post. Yet when I choose to see my circumstances or the unknowns I face through a lens of faith I find I have more rest within when I trust that God can and will use all things for good in His time.

So as we meet this day, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we not allow the circumstances of this day or the unknowns we face to dictate the posture of our internal world. Instead may we ask God for His peace to rule our hearts and minds so that He sets the thermostat within us, rather than allowing our external circumstances or unknowns to determine our temperature within. From experience, this isn’t a flick of a switch but a continued practice we can come back to. And over time, we will find that we are able to access the peace of God that transcends all understanding, no matter our circumstances or the unknowns we face.

Wishing you a peaceful day🙏

With love and hope,

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”
- Philippians 4:7

26.2 miles DONE!!! + Almost $17,000 raised!!!

26.2 miles done🙌 With your help I was able to raise $16,683 and our @bravelikegabe team raised $82,225 for rare cancer research💝
Thank you for all your support whether you cheered me on and/or donated🙏

And you know I need to make a life lesson out of everything so let me share this…

Wednesday night I had a full blown panic attack and told Stephen I was going to give my bib away. I raised the money and that was enough. Fear gripped my heart and I was ready to throw this experience away.

Yet I woke up on Thursday morning knowing I couldn’t let fear win the battle for my heart. I functioned in an anxious state leading up to that starting line. Literally taking each moment, one step at a time.

I share this with you because fear and anxiety are real, yet the thoughts we experience in those states are often not rooted in truth. They are projections of what may be but it doesn’t mean they will be.

It’s not easy to get through anxiety and panic, and I don’t want to pretend I have the answers for everyone’s experience. Yet for me, being present in the moment, going step by step, and inviting others in to let them know I’m not okay and their support helped me get to that starting line.

I share this with you because I know there are others who deal with anxiety and panic attacks too. They can be crippling and keep us from experiencing truth rooted thoughts and wonderful experiences. If you get what I mean, I’ll invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we be prayerful to let peace and truth rule our hearts and minds so that the fear doesn’t win. May we invite others in from loved ones to doctors, if we need it, to help us through. May we be present where we are and when our thoughts fast forward to what ifs, or the gloom of the unknown, may we reel our thoughts back in. And instead of focusing on the bad, may we practice focusing on what good there is. Let’s take things literally moment by moment, day by day, so that we get to experience things God has for us, and allow faith to win the battle for our hearts and minds, as I am so grateful won the battle for mine this week.

With love and hope,

What if we can't? But what if we can?

Tomorrow as I run the NYC marathon for @bravelikegabe and my ACC family, I also am running for my core four, Stephen, Kate, Gavin and Matty.

These four have been pillars of strength, courage, compassion, comfort, resilience, hope and love in my life. To honor who they are in my life…

I am running for Stephen, my rock covered in laughter.

I am running for Kate, my sunshine and joy.

I am running for Gavin, my calm and peace.

I am running for Matthew, my fun-loving guy.

I love my core four with all my heart and their support and encouragement means the world. I pray they see that they too have it in them to try hard things and instead of saying “I can’t,” that they too will choose to say, “what if I can?”

If you too are meeting a challenge,
I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we give thanks for those beside us and what they bring to our lives. Let’s allow ourselves to hold them in our hearts and minds to give us fuel in our souls as we meet our challenges, as these four will do for me tomorrow.

With love and hope,

Last training run done💙🙌🏃🏻‍♀️

Last training run done💙🙌🏃🏻‍♀️ Now for Sunday🙏

As I started on the trail this morning, after I procrastinated for almost an hour, I noticed the fog on the trail ahead of me (second pic). This view made me think of the unknowns we meet in life.

As I ran into the fog I didn’t focus on what I couldn’t see ahead but on what I could see in front of me.

This was a reminder to me that God doesn’t wanting us looking too far ahead, but to be where our feet are and take one step at a time, including into the unknowns. Yes, we need to make our plans, yet may we allow God to direct our steps.*

As I came back from the run I turned around to see the trail from where I started and the fog had lifted (third pic). I could see more clearly the path now.

And so it is with life.

We often step into the foggy unknowns hesitantly as we are looking too far ahead. Yet if we take one step of faith at a time, we can move to and through the unknown. And when we look back, we often find that the fog is lifted, and we are able to see from the other side with greater clarity and perspective the path and what it took for us to get us through it.

I share this with you today in case you are facing a foggy unknown ahead, like I am with Sunday on the horizon. I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we take one step of faith forward at a time, even when we don’t see the “finish line.” May God’s Word be a light to our path and the meditation of our minds to help us through. And when we get to the other side, may we take a moment to look back and see what we’ve learned and how we’ve grown in the process. May we give thanks to God for helping us through and in time use what we’ve learned so that we can come beside others who walk parallel paths.

With love and hope,

“your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” - Psalm 119:105