Begin Within

One of my kids was sick recently and I brought him to the doctor. While we were there I saw this picture on the wall and it really resonated with me.

As we begin this new year, often we seek to make changes and set goals for ourselves. Yet often when we seek to make these changes, we are looking at them from the outside in rather than from the inside out. The character qualities written as the titles of the books are ones - when we put them into practice - can help us accomplish the changes we seek.

But when I think about it, then the changes we seek have less to do with what we are doing and are more about the posture of our heart and our mindset within.

Whatever we are seeking to accomplish, it would first benefit us to…

- be determined (James 1:12)
- be disciplined (Timothy 1:7)
- have hope (Hebrews 6:19)
- persevere (Romans 5:1-5)
- remain focused (Psalm 119:37)

So that we then take consistent action. (Matthew 7:24)

These inner qualities, along with others, are usually what need refining, not our actual goals. And each one of these qualities, are ones in God's Word He speaks to. And in Matthew 7:24, we are told to not only know God's Word, but to put it into practice.

God is not concerned about out goals so much as He is concerned about our character and if we are living aligned with Him or not. Yet making goals are a tool that can help us live out His Word, and refine ourselves within.

So as we start this new week, and think of what you want to do, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

What is one of the words above that is a character quality you need to refine and put into practice more? For me it’s to be disciplined and remain focused.

Whatever our answers, may we prayerfully take God's Word and put it into practice to help us grow more aligned God, and grow into who He made us to be, from the inside out.

With love and hope,