Experience the Simple Joys

His joy is contagious.

This week I’ve been a bit paralyzed by the unknown as my scans are on the horizon. Yet when I watch Matt ride the waves with joy, I am reminded that God doesn’t want me to be paralyzed in the fear of the unknown but wants me to experience the joy the day has, even in the wait.

So yesterday I got off my chair and grabbed a boogie board and had a blast with our family in the water.

I share this today to say to the person who is stuck in the fear of an unknown right now, or is going through a hard season, I get it. Sometimes I stay stuck and other times I’m able to break free and live.

If you can relate, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we ask God to help us keep our eyes fixed on Him, above the waves of the unknown. When we are able to do this, there is a freedom within to live the day more fully. God will help us trust Him with our circumstances and give us the fruits of joy and peace, in place of the fear and unknown, that will allow us to experience the simple joys in life, like I was able to do with my family yesterday, and pray to be able to do again today. And I pray the same for you too.

With love and hope,





May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

- Romans 15:13