God Direct Our Steps

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The other night Stephen and I went for a walk in a quaint town nearby along the river. Our plan was to walk for an hour or so yet we had an unexpected crack of lightning hit close by which caused us to detour from our original plan. As we headed back along the river to our car, these storm clouds rolled in. We thankfully arrived back at the car before the sky opened up.

This experience was a reminder that the best made plans need to be fluid. Also, it showed us how it is beneficial that we are willing to adjust appropriately for the unexpected circumstances that arise.

I share this with you today because you may be like me and seeking to establish plans for ourselves, our families, our co-workers, communities, etc., for the months ahead. If so, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

May we make our plans yet remember no plan is concrete. Instead may we recognize that even the most thought out plans need to be fluid. May we be willing to detour from the original plan if/when needed and adjust accordingly to any unexpected circumstances that may arise.

As I was reminded on this walk with Stephen, we can make our plans and think we know where we are headed, yet often God redirects our steps. And although it isn’t always convenient or what we want to have happen, may we remember God doesn’t detour us without reason or purpose. May we trust where He leads.

With love and hope,

“We make our plans, but God directs our steps.” - Proverbs 16:9