Do you ever have days where your mind is so busy you can be sitting alone yet the room still seems noisy?
Me too.
Yesterday was one of those days. I knew I needed rest, for my mind, body and my soul. So after dinner when the rest of the family went outside, I chose to stay in, light a candle to pause, breathe and be still with God.
I use to believe that sleep was the only form of rest. Although I love sleep and know it is essential, I have learned there is another way to rest that helps quiet the noise and give me peace; prayer. Taking time while awake to press the pause button and spend time with God gives a rest for the mind, body and soul that’s unlike any other type of rest.
I won’t pretend it’s easy to be still, especially when my mind is so busy. Yet part of the practice of prayer is fighting through the noise to get to the other side where there is the calm and clarity reside. (And I never regret that time spent getting me to that other side.)
I share this with you today in case your mind is noisy too and you are needing rest. I invite you to join me to...
pause. breathe. pray.
May we choose to press the pause button in our day today to breathe and be with God, even if for a minute. May we quiet our minds and ask God to clear out the clutter of thoughts that aren’t serving us and leave us with the ones that will bring calm, clarity, perspective and peace.
I know it seems like there is not enough time in the day to do this. Yet what if we reframed that to say this is the most important thing we can do for ourselves, and those around us, today?
May we make and take the time to rest in prayer. So when we find ourselves sitting in a room alone, we no longer hear the noise of our thoughts, but the quietness and calm of our souls.
With love and hope,
“My soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.” - Psalm 62:5