About two years ago this month I ran into a dear friend in the grocery store. My Mom was in the middle of her treatments for breast cancer and she shared her Mom had just been diagnosed.
Although we were already close, this bridged our hearts deeper as we watched our moms fight their battles with cancer.
Her Mom came to live with them and at pick up every day I came to know and love her Mom. These two women are two of the most beautiful souls you’ll meet.
When I was diagnosed, her mother would just give me the warmest hugs and smiles, filling my heart with joy and hope. She was one of those people who loved to love and she put herself second to love on others.
My heart still breaks because this beautiful soul lost her battle to cancer many months ago and her smile and love still warm my heart when I think of the love she shared with others.
Yesterday I ran into my friend and she shared she had a gift for me.
She handed me this stone of hope.
She shared that this stone belonged to another friend of ours who passed away a couple of years ago and this stone was passed along to her her for her mother, and now she is passing it along to me.
Tears flooded my eyes when I heard this story. I feel blessed to now hold this stone of hope that belonged to these two beautiful souls before me.
Through the tears I shared with her that this couldn’t have come at a more perfect time as my next scans are around the corner and I am needing to hold onto hope, and not fear.
I share this with you today because this moment touched my soul and although I can’t hand you this stone, maybe one of you too is needed to be reminded to hold on to hope in place of fear today.
May we take a moment to...
Pause. Breathe. Pray.
And may we place fear to the side and allow the memories and love of those before us warm our hearts and let hope anchor our souls.
With love and hope,