Start With Bread
🍞Start with bread🍞
I love this wall as you enter Panera Bread. Every time I see it, it makes me smile. It reminds me to start my days, and my weeks, with bread.
Yes, some may read this and think about Panera’s delicious bread (which they donate their daily leftovers to local shelters💝).
But when I read it I don’t think about the bread I eat, but the bread that feeds my Spirit and will nourish me for the day/week ahead.
We all start our day with some type of bread, feeding our minds and Spirit. Is it social media bread, the news bread, gratitude bread, meditation bread, prayer bread, etc?
Whatever bread we start our day with, I think it is significant that we ask ourselves if the bread is nourishing our Spirit for the day ahead?
If our answer to that happens to be no, I invite us to...
Pause. Breathe. Pray.
And May we consider starting our day and week with a different type of bread that will fuel and nourish our Spirit. For me, I know when I choose to pray, read scripture and write in my gratitude journal it fuels my heart and soul for the day/week and gives me something to meditate on and it nourishes and sustains me throughout my day. If I start my day scrolling through social media feeds, I am a lot less fueled for my day.
I invite us all to consider what bread we start our day with. And if it isn’t nourishing our mind Spirit, may we consider changing the type of bread we start the day with to something that will fuel, nourish and sustain us for our days.
With love and hope,
(And if you need suggestions for types of bread, send me a note. I am happy to walk beside you and offer resources to you for your journey.)
Jesus replied, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. - John 6:35