This picture is of my breezeway at some point that week.
The weekend I was diagnosed last year I ran into a woman at church who has a non profit called Helping Haitian Children. She and I have worked together for years doing outreach activities for the people near Carrefour, Haiti.
I was a bit undone when I saw her. I had not yet shared with people what was going on with me. Seeing her was a breath of fresh air and gave me a sense of normalcy and purpose. I asked her if there were any needs she had for the families in Haiti. She said there was a need for clothing.
So that week I organized a collection for clothing to be dropped off in our breezeway. My family thought I was crazy. No one knew but them what was going on with me but those bags poured in from our amazing community out of their generous hearts. People didn't know it but they weren't just helping Haiti, they were helping me during that tumultuous time.
My friend brought the clothing to Haiti and said how she smiles every time she goes and sees a child wearing a shirt that says Avon on it.
I have loved giving through her ministry to Haiti.
Then during my treatment, the people of Haiti gave back to me.
Two women who helped me weekly at chemo were from Haiti. One shared with me that she calls her Mom back in Haiti every day at 6 to check in on her which I thought was so sweet. Also, three of the guys who worked the valet at the hospital that I passed every day were also from Haiti. Their smiles and hellos became a part of my daily routine. And lastly, a fellow patient in radiation was from Haiti. Although we couldn’t understand each other well, he spoke only Creole, I wanted to learn a little for the next time our paths crossed, although our appointments never synced up again.
Every piece of the puzzle matters. Every piece has value and purpose. This is the theme of my book A Place for Sam. I wrote this book to let people know that our world wouldn’t be complete without their piece of puzzle.
I am grateful for what our community has been able to provide for the people in Haiti and I am thankful for the lovely Haitian people who were an important part of my journey this year. Their piece of the puzzle matters to me.
With gratitude and hope,
For more information on Helping Haitian Children click HERE
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." - John 13:34