I am reading this book and wanted to share it with you in case any of you need an inspiring read.
“Developing tolerance for imperfection is the key factor in turning chronic starters into consistent finishers” - Jon Acuf
Coming back to life after having cancer last year has been a journey and at times I have fallen back into a perfectionist mentality. I am six months out from treatment and get frustrated with myself that I am still trying to get into a routine personally while also attempting to layer on getting back to life professionally, writing and speaking.
I am falling short of my expectations regularly. I love how this quote, and book (I’m only on chapter 2!) have already me encouraged to stay the course.
It won’t be perfect.
I won’t be perfect.
But I need to keep moving forward imperfectly.
And eventually with patient perseverance, I will meet the goals I have set personally and professionally.
I invite you to join me to...
Pause. Breathe. Pray.
And choose this year to be imperfect finishers of the goals we set rather than perfect starters who never finish.
With love and hope,