Only Light Can Drive Out Darkness

This morning on our walk in the darkness, the light of the moon and our headlights were our guides. It reminded me of the MLK quote, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.“

If I allowed the darkness to dictate my choices, I’d miss moments like this. Instead I am prayerful to not allow outer circumstances to dictate the posture of my heart and mind and determine my choices.

It’s not easy. It’s actually very natural for me to allow my emotions to lead me. But if I do that, I end up living with more fear, worry, regrets, etc. instead of living as a light as we are called to be.

Can you relate?

To be the light we must have the light within us to give.

“It’s the light in the lantern that shows the path, not the lantern.”

I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we make time to be with God today and allow God’s Word to fill us with light, love, truth and hope. May we allow that to be what dictates the posture of our hearts and minds so that we can be the light we are called to be.

And if the darkness feels overwhelming, I get it. May we guard ours hearts and minds and purposefully keep our eyes and ears on what will fill us with light and give us hope to anchor our souls. And if you’re having trouble, remember it’s a strength to reach out for help.

With love and hope,

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. - John 1:5