I hadn’t taped a podcast since October. I was debating to keep going or not and last week got back at it., even though it felt like trudging through mud. This season of the podcast is to encourage cancer patients. In the episode I taped last week, I spoke about two uncomfortable but healing steps to take when diagnosed.
One of the steps was to do what you need to do. And for me one thing I needed to do for myself was to video tape a message to each of my kids before my surgery. At the time Kate, Gavin and Matt were 10, 9 and 4, so in the message to each of them I also sang a specific song I use to sing for each of them when they were babies.
Thankfully my kids never had to watch those videos but it was something I felt I needed to do to have peace in my heart before surgery. And the funny thing is now the sound of my voice is likely more like nails on a chalkboard to them in this season of parenting, not soothing to them like they were when they were babies.
Anyways, why I am sharing this is the next morning after I taped the episode, I went outside and this was the sky I saw. And in Kate’s baby song I sang “cotton candy clouds against the blue, that’s the kind of day I wish for you.” Seeing this beautiful sky confirmed for me to keep going with the podcast- even if it helps only one person- I will finish what I started so that people with cancer can be encouraged through their diagnosis and through their treatments.
I am sharing this today in case you know anyone with cancer who needs encouragement, feel free to share my podcast with them (have them start at season 2). Also, if you feel lead to do something and it’s hard work and you feel like giving up like I do some days, I invite you to join me to…
pause. breathe. pray.
May we stay disciplined and diligent and trust God will let us know if we are in the right path, or not. May we rely on Him for what we need and trust He will use what we are doing, in time for good, whether we see the outcome, or not.
With love and hope,
PS: HERE link to the podcast to the episode I mention above 💗