Prayerful Decisions

Gavin received his driver’s permit a while back and  we have been driving around together often to get his hours in to get his license. The other day there was a person on our tail and I found myself saying to him, “don’t allow the people around you to determine your choices for you.”  

After saying that, I realized that truth wasn’t just for Gavin, but that I could practice that truth myself. And that what I said wasn’t just applicable to driving but this truth can be applied in many areas of our lives.

I share this with you today in case you too at times find you allow the influence of others around you to determine your choices.

I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we remember that in life there are so many voices calling for our attention to influence us, in person and online. Words can feel like the person driving behind Gavin, pressuring us to make choices. We don't have to do much to hear others because it's around every corner we turn. Yet messages that align with God aren't as prevalent in our lives. Instead, we have to be intentional and directional to get to know God, and His word, so that we can better know His voice when we are making decisions.

As we move into this week, let's take time with God and pray over any choices we have to make. May we ask God to give us insight and wisdom so that we have a calm confidence when making the choices.

Will we always know that the choices we make are fully aligned with God's will? No, we won't because we aren't God. Yet by at least by making the choice to invite God in to be the greatest influence in our lives, we are not practicing living from the outside in, but instead living from the inside out, which will help renew our minds, grow peace in our hearts, and wellness in our souls...even when someone is tailing us.

With love and hope,