A Step of Faith

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of going to Pine Grove School with Jan, the illustrator of A Place for Sam, to encourage the students. I love seeing their smiling faces as they hear that they are unique, valued, loved and their puzzle piece matters🧩 What I wasn’t expecting is to have an adult who was there come over to me and tell me that this what just the message she needed to hear right now. I won’t share more of her story, because it’s not mine to tell. Yet after hearing what she shared my heart smiled knowing being there with her was a divine appointment.

I share this with you today, yes to celebrate the joyful day we had, but also as a reminder that when we feel called by God to do something, even when it doesn’t make sense, do it. My background is a Health and Physical Ed teacher, not a writer. Yet when these words came to me 7 years ago, I knew they needed to be shared. And here we are 7 years later and the timeless message in these pages continues to bridge hearts with those reading, kids and adults.

So if you too feel like God has placed something on your heart to say or do, no matter the size of the ask- from walking to the neighbors to say hi to writing a book- I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we be willing to take a step of faith forwards, and trust God’s hand is in it and that He will do something from our act of love- even years later like He is doing with A Place for Sam💗🙏🧩

With love and hope,