My mind has been a little messy recently about a couple of things. I found myself at the computer last night closing down at least ten tabs that were open on the screen. I laughed because a friend and I had just been talking about having lots of tabs open in our minds.
This week I read about how when our mind is busy, even though our body is in a physical place, how our mind is disconnected from being where our body is. Therefore, we don’t get to experience the moment and be where we are and who we are with.
I know this but for some reason this week it hit me hard. It reminded me of a moment last year when Matt and I were driving.
He was talking and my mind was elsewhere. Matt said, “‘Mom, it seems like you are ‘hmmming’ me but not really listening.”
He was 100% correct.
I apologized and reeled my brain back to the moment so that I could tune into Matt rather that my multitude of other thoughts flowing through my mind.
What’s funny is when I am in Matt’s role in a conversation, and I know people aren’t tuned, it’s frustrating. Yet Matt reminded me that day, that I am that person sometimes.
Have you ever been the talker in a conversation who knows the person with you isn’t really with you? Or have you been the non-present listener? Or both?
If so, I invite you to join me to…
pause. breathe. pray.
When we find our minds messy and taking us away from being where we are and from who we are with, may we pause and acknowledge that truth. May we pray for a renewal of our minds and for God’s help to close the non-essential tabs open in our minds so that we can be in the present moment. By doing this, we will not only have more peace within, but we will strengthen our relationships by being present and listening others hearts, just as God is always doing for us.
With love and hope,