What Challenge Lies Ahead?

Last weekend our family took a day trip to New Hampshire to hike Mount Monadnock. It was amazing hike with stunning views spanning more than 50 miles at the top. As I watched our family climb, I recognized that we each have our own ways for tackling the challenge ahead of us. For example, one of our kids patiently endured the climb from start with joy while another was more reluctant and impatient with the process at first, but grew to enjoy the climb. Watching them made me wonder, how do I tackle the challenges ahead of me? Some challenges I am able to patiently endure with joy, while other challenges I endure with impatience and reluctance. 

Can you relate?

If so, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we take a moment to bring to our thoughts something we are challenged with. Let's ask ourselves if we are enduring this challenge patiently, or impatiently?  Are we enduring the challenge with a joyful attitude, or begrudgingly? May we ask God to help us turn away from being impatient and reluctant to the challenges before us. No, this will not be easy but let's trust the process. May we pray to be rooted in God's presence and Word to help us grow in patience, and in joy, whatever the challenge is before us. And no matter how long we have to endure, may we trust that God will make good of all things even though we can't see it now, just like there is always a worthwhile view after climbing a mountain. 

With love and hope,

"...being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might,
for all endurance and patience with joy."
- Colossians 1:11