What We Need Is Already Within Us

We were on a family hike recently and one of our kids said, “using the exercise bike has made my legs stronger.”

That comment made me pause. Was it really the bike that made a difference or was it that my child was choosing to use the bike, and put in effort, consistently?

In response to their comment I said, “no, the bike hasn't made your legs stronger, it's been your commitment, dedication, consistency and hard work that have made them stronger. The real difference was within you, the bike was just a tool.”

My kids cringe when I say things like this, but I want them to see that the true work begins within.

There are so many messages around us saying if we get this, then we will get better at (fill in the blank). I am guilty of falling into the trap myself. Yet what I am learning is that so many of the outcomes I desire truly begin with the work within myself.

Can you relate?

If so, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.™

Let's take a moment to answer the question, what is it we are thinking we need to get that will help us get a desired outcome we are seeking in this season? 

(Please note: if what you have to get has to do with your health, please listen to your doctor about what you need, not me. There are definitely tools we may need for our health so let's do our due diligence to get what we need for that.)

Instead of rushing out and getting some-thing, let's pray and ask God to reveal to us what it is we really need in this season; is it commitment, dedication, diligence, effort, consistency, etc.? For when we see that much of what we really need are tools that are already available within us, then we can ask Spirit to help us take the tools and use them wisely so we are able to move towards our desired outcomes. 

May we see that much of the real work to achieve the outcomes we desire begins within, just as it was for my child's legs to grow stronger.

With love and hope,