The Sun Is Always Shining - Even Behind the Clouds

Recently Matt and I went skiing. On my final run, this was the beautiful view in front of me. It made me smile, not only for the beauty before me but seeing this reminded me of something I had read in my prayer time yesterday.

"The sun is always shining behind the clouds," are words that captured my heart. This statement is true, not only in our physical world, but in our spiritual world as well.

There are so many things that can become "clouds" in our lives; thoughts or things that cast a shadow in our hearts and minds that may fog our perspective and dim our days. As we enter this week, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we remember that no matter what those clouds may be in our lives, the light of the world, Jesus, is always with us.  He wants to help lift the fogginess the clouds can create in our minds and shine a light on truth to give us clarity and perspective. May we begin this week, asking God that we grow more focused on Him than on the clouds to help us see our days, and lives, from a renewed perspective. And if we struggle to see beyond the clouds, may we pray to remember that God is always with us, shining His light and love into our hearts, even when we don't feel it.  And just like the sun is always shining behind the clouds, may we trust God's love is more infinite than the clouds that come and go in our lives, for His love and light are everlasting.

With love and hope,

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."
- John 1:5