The Intersection of Joy and Sorrow

Today was one of those days where I know someone experiencing a day filled with pure joy while at the same time I know someone experiencing unimaginable sorrow.

Last year I shared my heart with a wise friend on a day like today. What my friend shared with me that day will stay with me forever. I am sharing his wise words with you today in case what he shared may help you, as they have helped me.

What he said to me that day is, “what you are describing is the cross; the intersection of where joy and sorrow meet.”

Let me pause for a moment.

I know a number of years ago I would have said, “what?!” In my head and then just nodded my head politely to someone saying something like that to me. So please know I completely get it if that’s what you want to do right now. And some of you may be nodding your head in complete agreement with that statement. Wherever you are on your faith walk, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.™

What my wise friend was sharing is that the cross, where Jesus died, is where joy and sorrow intersect. In the moment Jesus died, there was great sorrow for his death yet that same moment was also filled with immeasurable joy for his selfless sacrifice for you, and me; life.

When I have a day like today, I now look to the cross. For at the cross, I see that Jesus gave us a gift; the knowing that days like today would exist, and that joy and sorrow will have to exist together for us to truly experience the fullness of life.

With love and hope,


I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. - John 10:10