Breaking Open

In my heart I love to garden but my practice of gardening hasn’t always been successful. This year I tried going smaller and have had more success, with the exception of deer getting to some of plants.

Whenever I go out to water or harvest, I am amazed at how all of this started from a seed. Recently I read something that intrigued me, how falling apart is different from breaking open.

When something falls apart, it breaks into pieces yet when something breaks open, something new is bound to grow.

If a seed is in pieces, it won’t grow but if it breaks open, look at what happens.

And the same principle holds true for me, and you.

If you ever have felt like you’re falling apart, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

When we are in moments where we feel like we are falling apart, may we shift our words. Instead of thinking like nothing will get better may we consider saying, “I am breaking open for something new to grow,” and invite God into the brokenness. May we trust He will help something new grow in His time, as He did here with a seed.

With love and hope,





See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. - Isaiah 43:19