What is Ruling Our Heart?

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What is ruling our hearts today?

I ask this not for us to pass judgement or to cause shame, but for us to take an honest assessment of our hearts. For me, it’s often fear and worry that try and rule my heart.

If you don’t know, ask a loved one what they think rules your heart. How would they know? Often what we talk about most is what is ruling our hearts. For from the overflow of our heart our mouth speaks. - Luke 6:45

Whether we determine what is ruling our heart or not, the truth is what rules our hearts will determines our words and actions. And so I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

And may we make this verse our meditation this week. Why? Because when we allow God to rule our hearts, and not other people or our emotions,He will give us wisdom on what we really need to say and do with whatever comes our way.

We can be a vessel of truth and peace but it begins with what we give our heart to. So may we choose to give our hearts to God each day and trust where He leads us

With love and hope,


W.O.W: Peace

V.O.W.: Let the peace of Christ rule our hearts. - Colossians 3:15