Quiet the Noise


Do any of you have trouble sitting to read a book because it takes a number of minutes for your brain to quiet down and actually focus on the words in front of you?

I noticed this was happening to me and it was one of the reasons I started doing social media free Sundays this year.  I’ve been taking a break from social media on Sundays for months now and I have to say the one day break has grown into my taking more breaks throughout my week.  I found my time on social media was depleting me and the more time I am off of it, the more alive and refreshed I’ve been. 

I share this in case you can relate and are also wanting to take some time off of social media to renew your mind, so you will feel more alive and refreshed too.  I strongly encourage you to join me this weekend either Saturday or Sunday to take a break from social media.  

I’ll be real, those first few weeks on my days off of social media I saw how I randomly picked up my phone and subconsciously pressed buttons.  I had a pattern I did every time I grabbed my phone that I wasn’t even aware of!  So know you’re not alone if you experience that.  Thankfully, I have growing in awareness and am growing more purposeful in my use of social media.

I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

Choose to go social media free on Saturday and/or on Sunday this weekend.  Its a refreshing experience and a gift to yourself!

By choosing to disengage on social media is one step we can take to live from the inside out and quiet the noise that it makes in our minds.  So the next time we go to grab a book to read, we will be able to sit and actually focus on the words in front of us.

And if this is what being off of social media does for us with reading, imagine the focus we can bring to the people around us too by this simple practice.

With love and hope,



Be still and know that I am God. - Psalm 46:10