Live Close to God

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Do you ever wrestle with having a joyful day when at the same time you know there is someone struggling?

While we were away this dichotomy was very present and on my heart. Here I was having a lovely time on vacation with my family, yet there were some tragic world events that were happening, and I was in touch with a couple of friends who are going through very hard times.

How does one live fully in their day when the heart is pulled in two different directions?

The one thing that helps me is praying for God’s truth to lead me. You see, if I let the emotions of either extreme lead me, I would most likely either have fun and forget reality or I’d be so weighed down by reality I wouldn’t be able to have fun with my family.

This is why knowing God’s word and letting His truth lead me is so important and helpful. By spending time with God in His word, I am able to see that joy is a gift God gives us to experience yet He is also real about in this world there will be trouble.

So how do we live well in the midst of these two extremes?

Let’s look at it in this picture. The light represents the joy and the dark the struggles. We often tend to be on one side of the other. Yet God dwells on the line where these two meet. And this is where God wants us to dwell, with Him in both.

I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

If we are experiencing joy, may we stay close enough to God to see the struggles in life and pray about what is ours to say and/or do to help others.

And if we are in a season of struggle, or know someone who is, may we not allow the struggle to rule our heart. Instead may we stay close enough to God so He will show us the joy that is still available to us, even in the times of struggle.

I know this practice is easier said than done. Yet I wouldn’t share it with you if I didn’t experience this truth myself and know it is possible for us to live in this space of grace beside God.

With love and hope,


If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

- John 8:31-32