Lend A Hand


It has been pouring a lot here in Connecticut recently. The other day I went to the store to grab some things and when I got outside it was a torrential downpour. Most of the stuff I had purchased could get wet but one item, a piñata, wasn’t going to fair so well. Naturally I tried to tuck in under my sweatshirt but surprisingly that didn’t work. The next thing I knew there was a gentleman who came by my said with an umbrella in hand and said, “can I walk you to your car?” I was touched by this act of love and said yes to his offer.

I share this with you today as a reminder today to…

pause. breathe. pray.

Sometimes when we are in a bind and someone extends a hand, it’s okay to receive help. Also, if we have something that can bless and benefit someone around us, may we not wait and expect someone else to step in. May we be an extension of God’s love towards others and lend a hand their way, like this gentleman did for me that day

With love and hope,


PS If there had been a pic of my attempt to hide the piñata under my shirt, I would have used it! Lol

Serve one another humbly in love. - Galatians 5:13