Gifts from the Heart to the Heart

Gifts from the heart to the heart are the best kind

I received these thoughtful gifts from a dear friend. It’s not the things she gave me that I love but the prayers and perspective she gifted me as I head into this new role.

I thought I’d share these messages with you in case these words would be a blessing to you as well.

I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we…

- take time to fill ourselves so we can fill others.

- organize and prioritize so we can focus on who and what matters most.

- share words of encouragement and affirmation with others.

- remind ourselves and others of truth

- make a permanent, positive impact on hearts and minds

- make others hearts smile, and our own, by practicing these things.

With love and hope,


Do everything in love.

- 1 Corinthians 16:14