Don't Wait for Perfection

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Waiting for perfection?

What do I mean?

Do you ever wait for things to be perfect to move into action?

Me too.

Perfection is a hard thing to wrestle down and step over. I find it can cripple me at times, as I am a recovering perfectionist.

So today to help me move forward - and hopefully help some of you move forward too- I wanted to invite you into my messy mind and space.

I am officially moved out of my cloffice (closet-office) and am creating a space in our basement as an office.

Today I am tempted to make everything pretty in order to be productive with my work. Yet the reality is, my kids have early dismissals and I have a choice, to wait for perfection or sit in the mess and get the work done I have to do.

I will choose the latter.

I share this today with you in case you are in a messy place too and waiting for things to be perfect to get started.

I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

Lets get real with ourselves and each other that perfection is unattainable and often a noble distraction. Instead let’s embrace the messiness of imperfection. Yes, our social media feeds call us to make things perfect, and more people may ‘like’ my picture if it was all together yet I am here to live from the inside out with you; letting God’s truth and love lead us, not the unrealistic expectations of ourselves or others.

So let’s choose to do the work we are called to do today even if that means we are sitting in a messy place to do it. And may this choice make us a little more free from our perfectionist mentality.

With love and hope,


My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.- 2 Corinthians 12:9