Be Rich In Wisdom and Love

Has anyone ever tried to give their children advice and they completely resist it?

Me too. 

Recently when this happened rather than pressing my point I let it go, walked away and…

paused, breathed, and prayed.

This analogy came to mind that I went back and shared with my child. I am sharing it with you today in case it may be a bridge in a conversation between you and your kids too.

I asked my child if I was to offer them a handful of money would they take it?

Naturally they said yes.


Money makes you richer.

I then shared that when I am offering advice, it is something to make them wealthier too, not financially though, but richer in wisdom. They have a choice to take the advice or leave it. I can’t control what they choose. Yet to leave behind sound advice is declining something that will make them richer within.  And although that may not be the riches they seek or want, being rich in wisdom and love is what we all really need in life.

Whether our children receive our advice, or not, may we continue to plant seeds of wisdom into their hearts and minds and trust that God will help those seeds grow within them in time.

Also, may we recognize that who our children are to us if often who we are to God. May we too be willing to humble ourselves to receive God’s wisdom. His truth and love are the true riches we need in our life.

With love and hope,


God is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.

- Psalm 145:8