Be in the Thin Space

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A few months ago a friend shared with me an idea that will always remain with me. She spoke about being in the “thin space.” I had no idea what she was talking about and she shared how the thin space is when it’s you and God, nothing in between.

I love this idea and know the times I am in the thin space yet if I am honest with you, I spend a lot of time in the thick space- when I have allowed life’s layers to come between God and me.

Today, as I drove by my favorite local lake, I saw this. I had to pull over and sit with this beautiful visual. I had to ask myself, are these layers of ice on the lake growing or are they melting?

The same question is significant between me and God. Are the layers between God and I melting, or are the layers growing between us?

I share this with you today in case you want to be in the thin space too. I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

May we take a moment to absorb this picture. Let’s be honest and ask ourselves what the layers are that are between us and God right now. May we “be still to know God” so He can help us melt those layers away to get back to Him being the primary layer in our life. From this thin space is where God will be able to help us better get through the thickness of life .

With love and hope,


W.O.W. (Word of the week): Be

V.O.W. (Verse of the week): “Be still and know that I am God” - Psalm 46:10