“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” - 1 John 4:7-8
This week I have started listening by having conversations with friends who are African American, & with friends who have children who are African American.
A few things I have learned so far include,
When my child walks out of the house with hoody & a flat brimmed hat on I think nothing of it. Yet my friend finds herself needing to be cautious of her child wearing a hoody, & other clothing.
When I want to get a coffee at a drive thru, I have never thought twice about getting pulled over for doing so. Yet a friend’s family was pulled over at a drive thru for no apparent reason & asked, “what are you doing here?” & has had to think twice about it.
Two friends each have kids who are African American. They have lived in the same community and have had different experiences. The child who has lighter skin hasn’t experienced any racism, where the other child with darker skin has. Is this a unique experience or a norm?
While I am raising my kids in the bubble of suburbia, I try often to pop the bubble to help them see realities beyond it. Yet what I show them are often struggles that will not be part of their personal experience. Where my friend is choosing to keep his kids in the bubble until it has to be popped; to protect them from a reality that may be a part of their experience.
When I have walked through life, I haven’t had to experience changing my hairstyle, clothing or the style within my home to be more accepted by my community at large, as my friend has.
What I have learned is....
these conversations took too long to happen & that I have a lot more to learn.
I share this with you today to invite you to join me to...
pause. breathe. pray.
Please continue to share your stories &/or continue to listen and ask questions to help us learn & grow.
May we ask God to show us how we can be an extension of His true character & love to others, and what is ours to say & do to be part of the lasting change we need to see.
With love & hope,
PS Feel free to share your stories and/or what you have learned from listening too.
“Be quick to listen and slow to speak...” - James 1:19