Tell Someone You're Grateful for Them

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Matt: I am grateful you are my Mom.

Me: 😳 Wow, Matt! I am grateful to be your Mom. Where did that come from?!

Matt: My Sun Chips bag told me I needed to tell someone I am grateful for them. You are the only one here, so I had to say it to you.

Me: 😂 🤗

Well, he didn’t have to say anything at all, so I’ll take it!

I invite you all to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

Let’s follow Matt’s lead and tell someone today we are grateful for them, even if they aren’t our top choice😉

With love and hope,

Thanks @sunchips for encouraging my son to live out love today💝

Give thanks in all circumstances
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18