Make the Wise Choice

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“Sometimes we have to do the things we don’t want to do, to get the results we need to have.” - Andy Stanley

I heard this quote years ago and I find I am leaning into today.

I learned yesterday that the annual dodgeball fundraiser I run in town (with the help of our Park and Rec department) is cancelled due to the uncertainty of the Coronavirus.

Although I want to bring community together, and have fun while raising money for rare cancer research, the reality is, this is the wisest choice.

Something I have thought about today is how I didn’t understand what my mom went through with cancer until I got it myself. This truth is applicable in so many situations in life. We don’t understand things until we experience them.

Yet what if we could choose to take preventative measures that can help us from not having to experience something, like the Coronavirus?

Yes, we may never experience the virus and think we could have had these events, but what if not having these events was cause for us not to experience this virus?

That is how I am choosing to view the cancellation of this event; that it may be a way to prevent the spread of the virus and help it end sooner.

I invite you to join me to...




May we be willing to sacrifice something we want to do, to do what is needed to help one another not have to experience what this virus is like and help it end sooner, rather than later.

With love and hope,