Look Up

2020 Look Up Child.jpg

We are sitting here in our front yard this morning as we are on our fifth day without power, which for us means no water too, as we have a well.

Yes, it has been an inconvenience, yet I have to admit, somehow I function better when there is less. It’s like when I had cancer, and all that was insignificant was stripped away and I was left with who and what matters most. The same is true with this moment.

Yes, there are some things we don’t have, like power, running water and for days we were without WiFi yet there is so much we do have; breath in our lungs, one another, clothes on our backs, shelter over our heads, food on our table, access to clean water, showers and laundry at friends houses, etc.

When we choose to look up from what we don’t have and see all that we do have, and that others exist without some of these necessities on a regular basis, there truly is much to be grateful for. It can also be a time to grow compassion and empathy in our hearts for those who go without these basics on a regular basis, and nudge us to be a vessel of love their way.

I share this with you because whether you have power or not, there is probably something in your life that is challenging you too. I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

May we take our eyes off the struggle and look up to see what we do have. Sometimes it takes that shift in perspective to move our thoughts from frustration to gratitude. It doesn’t mean the struggle has passed, yet gives us the ability to move through it with more peace and ease. Also, may we see the struggle as an opportunity to be be refined ourselves and come out on the other side more whole within💕🙏💕

With love and hope,

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” - Philippians 4:12-13