Let's Imitate Jesus' Love

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As joyful of a time of year this is, I am also hearing the heaviness of many hearts. I just want you to know, if you’re heart is heavy, it’s okay to not be okay. And if you’re also feeling stuck, please be sure you let someone know

And if you have someone share their heavy heart with you, or tells you they are stuck, may we make time for them and imitate Jesus’ love towards them. He wouldn’t be focused on getting his to do list done. He would make coming beside the heavy hearted his priority knowing all else that needed to get done would get done. So as much as there may be for us to do in this season, may we be sure take time to slow down to..

pause. breathe. pray.

May we keep our eyes and ears open to those who are heavy hearted. When able, may we be imitators of Jesus’s love by coming beside them and let them know they are seen and heard. And even though we may not be able to make everything better, may we be a bridge to care if/when needed and be a prayer warrior for them in this season.

And if you’re like me, sometimes we may see so many people going through things, we can be paralyzed and do nothing or think we can’t make a difference. Instead of being paralyzed or thinking we can’t make a difference consider this quote that helps me,

May we “do for one, when you want to do for all” - @andy_stanley

and/or choose to do at least one thing, when you want to do everything.

With love and hope,


"Love each other as I have loved you."

- John 15:12