Sometimes an unexpected gift becomes the divine appointment you are needing.
The past few days have been wavy. I have had unexpected pain which lead me to having drs appts, labs and tests this week. Over the days I felt myself grow weary. I am tired that if something is off, I cycle through in my head wondering if the cancer is back somewhere else.
I think you all get a glimpse of it now with COVID, with a simple cough, you may find yourself asking, do I have COVID?
Well that is the life of many cancer survivors. With the new pain, or lump or bump, the question becomes, “can the cancer be back?” It admittedly sucks. Some people are past it, I pray I will get there at some point but am honestly am not there yet.
I knew my head was in a rough place this time. The physical pain was louder than my conversation with God, and started consuming my mind. I knew I had to shift my thoughts. I started with thinking of all I have to be grateful for. And although I told myself how grateful I was for my incredible, thorough doctors, having access to healthcare and insurance, my family, fresh air, and more, the words I spoke were true yet the feelings of gratitude haven’t been flowing as easily.
Then I arrived home to an unexpected gift from a friend. We haven’t spoken in a while and I was taken back seeing her name on the package. When I opened it I read her thoughtful note and pulled out this beautiful bag she made which reads...
“For every breath that you’re taking, it’s all in His hands.”
The timing of this gift and message in it couldn’t have been more perfect. I held the bag and read the words over and over again.
This truth was what I needed to hear.
Every breath I take is in His hands. Worrying doesn’t add one moment to my life, may I rest in His presence and care, once again.
I share this with you today in case there is some wrestling going on in your heart. I invite you to join me to...
pause. breathe. pray.
May we all receive these words as the gift they are. May they get below the surface and into our hearts to pulse life and truth through us and rid us of fear and worry or anything else we are carrying.
And when we get that inner nudge to send that note, or gift, to someone, even if we haven’t spoken with them in a while, let's write it or send it. What we give may be exactly what their heart is needing in that moment💕🙏💝
With love, gratitude and hope,
Ps Thankfully all the labs and tests have come out clear and am feeling better day by day💝
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? - Matthew 6:27