Palms Up

2019 palms up.jpg

Palms Up

While I was in treatment I shared with you the moment when I realized I was trying to control the proton beams of radiation. I found my hands gripping the sticks on the radiation table when had a moment of clarity.

The work was not in my control. What was in my control in that moment was to lay and pray.

I share this again with you today because I find myself in life sometimes again gripping my hands, and heart, as I try and control situations, circumstances or people🤦‍♀️. (It’s humbling to admit that, but it’s true😔)

Once I see what I am doing, I say to myself, “palms up.” And I physically and mentally release my grip and place my palms up. I pray to see what is out of my control and surrender it to the one who is truly in control, God. I also ask to see what is in my control so I know what is mine to do.

This isn’t an easy practice as I slip back into taking control subconsciously multiple times a day. Yet in those moments of clarity where I see myself gripping, I release my palms up, let go and trust God.

I share this with you in case you too are gripping your hands or heart around something that is not in your control. I invite you to join me to...

Pause. Breathe. Pray.

May we release our grip and place our palms up. May we surrender what isn’t in our control to God and be prayerful to do what is in our control.

“Better one handful with tranquillity than two handfuls chasing after the wind.” - Ecclesiastes 4:6

May we let go, trust God and do what is ours to do so our hands and hearts have greater peace and less tension in our days.

With love and hope,