Circling Back

2019 AHS talk.jpg

I was invited back to my High School to speak with the students and staff about how our struggles can lead to our purpose.

To be given the opportunity to speak into the hearts of the people in our community allowed me to come full circle. When I walked the halls of this school, as friendly as I was on the outside, I struggled within with anxiety and depression. To be able circle back to share my story with the students there and let them know it’s okay to not be okay, but there is hope and help, is something I will forever be grateful for.

I know culture tells us to go big or go home. Yet I am thankful to go home, because the people in our own communities matter. When we build one another up, in our homes and in our communities, we are living as we were meant to; loving others and doing what is ours to do to help others rise up into their best self.

I share this with you today because you too have endured struggles.

I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

May we consider seeing what we have learned from our struggles and circle back with someone who is going through a similar struggle and share those lessons with them. By doing this may they know they are not alone and may it give them hope to hold on to to anchor their soul. May we see that our struggle may have lead to this purpose; to help those beside us and those next in line.

And if you are in the midst of a struggle, I get you may not be in the place to help someone else right now. Please know it’s okay to not be okay. Hold on to hope and please reach out for help. You matter💕🙏💕

With gratitude, love and hope,