Surrender and Trust


Two things I have chosen to lean into recently are trusting God and surrendering my desired outcome to His will.

What does this mean?

When I was walking with cancer, I vividly remember sharing with God my honest, raw heart of what I wanted, yet then I told God that even though I wanted a certain outcome, I trusted His will was best.

This truth I learned in my walk with cancer is still true in any current struggle of mine, and yours.  Yet sometimes I can be so thick in the midst of the struggle, I unknowingly allow the struggle to rule my heart instead of God.

If you can relate, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

May we acknowledge that maybe we have been in the thick of our struggle that we forgot to really let God in.  May we take our eyes and ears off the struggle and turn them back to God.

May we know that God loves us enough that we can bring our honest, raw hearts before Him and He hears us and still loves us. May we then lay down our struggle and our desired outcome before Him.  May we know our job isn’t to take control of our lives, but to bring our lives before Him.  Then may we...

“Trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding, in all our ways (may we) acknowledge him and He will make our paths straight.”- Proverbs 3:5-6

May our trust and surrender to His will comfort us and then may we see our best next step forward.

With love and hope,
