Seeking joy?
Me too.
I wholeheartedly believe joy is available to us no matter our circumstances. Yet how often can we let our circumstances cloud us from seeing the joy in front of us? Often, right?! (Or maybe that’s just me😏)
When I am not experiencing joy, I often go back to the question, how was I able to be joyful while walking with cancer but am not experiencing that same amount of joy consistently today now that I am well?
And when I think this, I feel like God speaks to my heart that with cancer I lived close to who and what matter most, loving God and loving others. Now that I am well, there are so many things calling for my attention that can distract me from keep my eyes on who and what matter most.
I share this with you today for those who too can get distracted, and unintentionally shift who and what matters most to the back burner.
I get it.
I invite you to join me to...
pause. breathe. pray.
May we reprioritize today. May we make the necessary shifts to draw close to who and what matter most, loving God and others, so we can experience the joy available for us today.
It may be as simple as delaying your workout for a little bit and instead playing a game of Yahtzee with your seven year old that reminds you of this simple truth😊
With love and hope,