Recently I took a step back in life. I needed to create margin to renew my mind, body and reconnect with Spirit. From the busy day to day life as a mom and business owner to the losses I have experienced recently, I needed to get back to the solid foundation of my faith to stand on for my days.
I share this with you today in case you too are growing tired and weary in your day to day life and/or circumstances.
I invite you to join me to...
pause. breathe. pray.
May we take a step back and lay down what we need to and say no where we need to so we may renew our mind, body and Spirit. May we step back onto the solid foundation of God’s truth to bring us clarity, wisdom and perspective for our days.
Sometimes taking a step back is exactly what we need to take the next best step forward.
With love and hope,
“A tranquil mind will give life to the body.” - Proverbs 14:30