Last night I had a “fort nite”😉 with my youngest and slept under my dining room table.
Because loving someone else isn’t always comfortable. You show up and you do things you don’t want to do because they want to do it. You let go of your desires to share in theirs.
Yes, I woke up a number of times throughout the night and my body is a bit achy this morning. But I will get more sleep tonight, the aches will heal but this memory will last forever.
I share this with you in case sometime someone you love asks you to do something that doesn’t interest you. I invite you to join me to...
Pause. Breathe. Pray.
And choose to say yes on the outside even if on the inside your answer is no. Lay down your comfort and desires to show up for them. A simple choice like this will speak volumes into our loved ones hearts. They will know we are there for them, and only them, and it will be a memory captured together for a lifetime.
With love and hope,