Reach Out Off the Island

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Recently on a tea and walk date with a friend we went to a local lake. We sat and spoke, we walked around and appreciated the beauty around us. Our conversations are full of truth and honest reflections with one another as we encourage one another to grow more into the person we were made to be.

I took these three pictures while we were there. As I scrolled through my camera recently, these three pictures in particular popped out and spoke to me.

So many of us can feel like we are on an island in life, disconnected from others. Although we may be surrounded by others throughout our days, we can mentally or physically place ourself on an island, separating ourselves from connecting with others.

If you are feeling isolated and alone right now, I invite you to join me to...

Pause. Breathe. Pray.

May we create a bridge from our heart to someone else’s. May we reach out, and let someone else in. May we come together in person, sit beside one another, talk, listen, and expose the truth of our heart. May we meet others, and be met with a reflection of God’s loving kindness to help heal our hearts and help us move forward. May we get off the island and get re-engage in life.

Life and time are too precious to remain on that island so let’s begin today and take a step on to that bridge...

With love and hope,