Your Puzzle Piece Matters

In 2016, one of the talks I gave was to a hundred teens. At the talk, the teens were divided into ten tables with ten kids at each table. I gave each table ten puzzle pieces, one for each teen at the table. Each teen took their puzzle piece and with the people at their table, completed their section of a larger puzzle. Then I went to each table and picked up each section of the larger puzzle. I brought all the parts of the puzzle together to the front of the room and put the puzzle together. I wanted to show each teen that their puzzle piece mattered and the puzzle wouldn’t be complete without them.

Later that week I had a bunch of words come to me and I sat down at my kitchen table and wrote A Place for Sam in thirty minutes.

When I wrote A Place for Sam I believed it was a timeless story to encourage kids that their puzzle piece matters.

Nine years later, I am so grateful that the message continues to resonate with children, parents and educators. And I am so grateful for Yolande Spears and The Bushnell for believing in the message and adding A Place for Sam to their Horace B. online Library for educators. It was a gift to be invited twice recently to share the book at a homeschool conference The Bushnell held.

I share this with you today because it’s so important we speak truth into kids hearts and remind them that they are unique, valued, loved and their ‘puzzle piece’ matters- no matter their age. Also, I am sharing because I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had the adult reading the book to the child reach out to me and say, “I needed to hear that too.”

So in case you too needed to be reminded, I want you to know - and believe - that you are beautifully and wonderfully made, you are valued, you are loved and your puzzle piece matters too.💕🙏🧩

With love and hope,