Recently when our family was in Nashville we visited the Johnny Cash museum. While we were there, we heard some lyrics that really captured my heart so I wrote them down...
“There will be valleys to fill and bridges to build.”
These lyrics caused me to pause because there are so many hurting hearts right now, from personal loss to what’s happening in our world.
These words reminded me that God is with us in the valleys of life, sitting beside us with compassion. And not only that, He is the one that can bring comfort and peace - or whatever it is we need - and “fill the valley” for us, in time.
The second part of this verse, that there are “bridges to build,” was really potent to me as it is something that is needed in our lives. Whether that is building a bridge between ourselves and God, building bridges between our hearts and the hearts of people in our lives, or maybe we are to be a bridge between others and God.
I share all this with you today to invite you to join me to...
pause. breathe. pray.
May we remember when we are in the valley that God is with us, He is for us and He will help “fill the valley” and get us back to solid ground, in time. May we remain close to God, even if it challenges us to do so, trusting that He sees us, hears and and is there for us to help us through.
Also, may we seek to build bridges, between ourselves and God, between our hearts and others hearts, and may we be a bridge for someone to get to know God a littler better this week by living out love towards them.
I know lyrics are powerful and impactful, yet God’s Word is transformative. So let’s make the time to be in God’s word - whether it is for a minute or an hour - to help equip our hearts, minds and souls for what is before us.
With love and hope,