Growth in Uncomfortable

“Growth is on the other side of what is comfortable.”

I heard this quote on my morning run and it made me think about all the excuses I had to not to train for this marathon including that I am 45, I am not a runner, my knee and hip hurt…

There were a mountain of reasons to not commit to doing this training from couch to the NYC marathon.

Yet when I sat with the reasons why I should do it, they were more potent…

I’d get to raise awareness and money for ACC research to help friends in the fight.

I’d get to be a part of a community on team @bravelikegabe and be inspired by the individual stories from the team.

I’d get a chance to put principles into practice I teach my kids about but would need to live them out in order to be successful.

I have a chance to do this once in a lifetime event, and I may fail, but what if I actually am able to do it?

I don’t want to live with regrets so I signed up and made this commitment.

I was literally nauseous when sending the email committed to team #bravelikegabe. Also, I couldn’t talk about the marathon for weeks as I would get a wave of anxiety when I even thought about it.

I was extremely uncomfortable on many levels yet I’m growing.

I am growing as a runner but it’s more than that. I am growing healthier in my mind, my body and my soul through this process while helping a cause near and dear to my heart.

I share this today in case you have an opportunity to do something and it scares you deeply and you have every excuse to not do it. I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we pray asking God if what we are uncomfortable doing is something we need to move towards and through to grow and be refined. Every circumstance is different, yet God’s principles remain the same. If we do feel lead to move towards what is uncomfortable, may we remember God that is with us, He is for us, and will equip us with what we need to help us through. And you just may see growth on the other side of what is comfortable, as I am experiencing with this training.

With love and hope,
